

OMG...i was driving tis morning....shit another month already. time flies.....was just hoping april comes faster...hahaha. waiting for "Vitamin B" from my CPC.....:p. Last month wasn't a happy month so i really do hope this month be much happier and exciting month for myself and frens....just heard one of my gal fren pregnant 2nd happy for her. that moment i wished i was her.....happy with hubby and son and now waiting for the 2nd bb to be born. maybe is true.... one of my besty said "all of us would want a family of our own at some point of time"....well, if i do change my mind, tis means i really in love with my mr future guy lor.....if he cant change my mind, then just hard luck....meant to be i guess! i believe in fate.....and i hope all my frens believe in fate too.....

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