30.01.10- yup two couples went for a short holidaying in PD.
Talking bout "couple" as i recalled i did wanna booked movie tickets for two couple seats
last yr end for alvin and chipmunks 2....
i went clicked four couple seats but in fact only two couple going...haha. blur at times esp
early in the morning....but thatz something to be remembered and told my 3 other frens
bout my funny / blur story on the booking.....tat time my bf.....he laughed having such a blur gf.
tot not posting tis trip in my blog as.......but then is my first trip for 2010 so just post la.

Love the toilet...."chi soh yau loong"-toilet got hole...hahaha.
booked tis hotel oso bcoz of the hole...hahaha. tat time bf no
choice had to follow me tho maybe he doesnt like to go PD.

LOve the so call dressing table / sink...

Can see thru the toilet from the bedroom...:p

Look so antic....but just for peanuts...

the drinking place.....nice and cosy but once the group of
singers started to sing....ermmmm better go lor

Carrom....hardly play but nuthing to do....but i managed to win hohoho


My grasshopper drink......but he doesnt like
mint drink so i myself drank lor.

Look pro but at last also i won....hahahaha
kiddng he won and gave me many chances lor

egg tarts from Seremban Siew Pau factory....
original and durian flavor.....

Crabby shell.....:)
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