

Yup, went opera for dinner and hh with Toon and nice to chill and hang out with the guys sometimes...shared out some view on our personal and daily life......later 2nd round we went to chill out....think i will stop going there for awhile as that place reminded me of him.... think we been there few times (happier times). tis is full of ups and downs...happy and unhappy incidents...cant escape except we plan not to live anymore. wont deny i do miss him.....and pain still there & unstable on my emo....but what to do....guess he is right, timing just not right for us. well, i tot for few nights liao....veli tired of hating someone whom i still care love someone, doesnt mean we have to be together but best if together. but if cant, then as long as the person u care and love happy, u be happy for him long as i think like that, i will go on with my life and not getting my frens to worry bout me. so, i decided be frens with him.....if u are reading tis, not tat angry now.....u can jump for joy.....can oso think "yippie i managed to dump that bitch"....hahaha.

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