

Some photos taken from my hp....hmmm shd get a camera soon :)

Went there on 05.11.09 with my two angels chi mui.....Brussels in Jaya 1....
serve german and belgium beer

Happy burpday Vince and Darren...both
looking at their lovely cake as below...yum yum
coffee bean cake

Happy bday boy.......tho his bday on 08.11.09 but we celebrated
for him on 31.10.09 in Wil's hse

See bb samantha so cute and Auntie Stel too...hehee

Thr safety guys.....went Library and Sanctuary on 30.10.09

New t-shirt...."one night stand"??

Satay Vs Pizza in Kota Kemuning....

Pizza was good....the rest not so nice

"The Gardens" 1U

Yucky food....beef tasted like chewing gum...."pui"

Menu look nice hor? food ermmm....:(

In Pappa Rich......on 23.10.09

Yamcha with Stel, Roy, Boy and Tai lo....
Jap food my fav of all.....expensive hahahha. Bill came out
bout RM890.00....Ok la Eugene Tan treated us
Few magnets bought in Krabi....
Dinner in Kg Subang on 19.10.09

Organiser.....drink drink...let me poured for u guys....haha

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