Took half day again....very sien...work,work and work. Met up with a fren.....ermmmm was late for 45 mins.....hehehe. so sorry ya! anyway,treated him lunch tho i'm poor still can afford treat him a meal...simple one la....come think of it, why we are close? hmmmm....i wonder!?!? well at times, i admit i dun really open up to him and we had huge arguement mths back. but im trying to change. for him, he also doesn't really share things with me....even i ask him, he kinda relunctant to tell me....pretty sad think of it. Anyway, cant force a person if he or she doesn't wanna talk. Sometimes really hard to be an understanding friend huh?.......he can be a sweet, sometimes caring towards you.....im not complaining.....just another thing i wonder sometimes.