

Chew Chew Bday Bash 2009

19.08.09 yr has passed. Still remember how we celebrated his bday last yr. But that was past. This yr tot doing something special. We planned to have economy rice in Bdr Putri but plan failed due to the restaurant close ystd nite.
So we (Pat,Grace,Toon,David,Jeane,Quennie,Junior,Chew and myself) went to Hai Nam Kopitiam nearby. Hahahahahahaha..... the kopitiam don't accept CC so eventually Chew paid for the dinner....thanks man, u such a darling. After dinner, we just hopped into a german restaurant next door to have a pine of german / belgian beer. i had Hoegaarden (was told by a fren tat tis is a belgian beer....thanks my dear for highlighting tis to me) and was good....hehehehehe. Anyway, tatz the story bout Chew's bday 2009... next yr will be a better bday bash!

Cutie bday boy.........
He wished that his bday cake was more than a chiffon choc cake ..:P
hahahaha....he will never guess we bought chiffon cake (some more we put inside secrect receipe paper bag so he wont know) as tis yr bday cake....

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