


I always like 19th...maybe bcoz my bday falls on 19ths...hehehe. tis reminded me...supposed my bday last month should be a happy day but somehow i'm not....y? mayb bcoz someone "special that time" promised that i can do or go anywhere with him....but a month or so before my bday.....oh well,itz all over btwn us. Tot we can be BFF (someone tot me ystd....thanks Ben) BFF=Best Fren Forever but somehow i feel he doesn't even or really care for me as a fren...guess human being just too complicated to understand and not bcoz of gender. But i was blessed to have many frens who been with me thru bad and good my twin in UK, Conique,tho she was really far away she took her time to advise me when i needed one...san,she will and was with me thru my hard times....lynn,been my drinking and listener buddy....Wil,Mandy,boy and stel...they been with me since TDM sum up, u all been my great frens...i love u all so muchy :)

Well tho he dun care for me that much but i still and will always care for him in my heart....even he doesnt know or notice.

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