

Robin Hood 2010

Puchased 3 tickets for 8.45pm movie....had dessert for dinner and sky juice. waited for alex to turn up...tot he be late but tis time he was just on time..hehehe. anyways, here the synopsis :

"Robin Hood chronicles the life of an expert archer, previously interested only in self-preservation, from his service in King Richards army against the French. Upon Richards death, Robin travels to Nottingham, a town suffering from the corruption of a despotic sheriff and crippling taxation, where he falls for the spirited widow Lady Marian (Oscar winner Cate Blanchett), a woman skeptical of the identity and motivations of this crusader from the forest. Hoping to earn the hand of Maid Marian and salvage the village, Robin assembles a gang whose lethal mercenary skills are matched only by its appetite for life. Together, they begin preying on the indulgent upper class to correct injustices under the sheriff."

First part was boring...maybe is their english slang....:p. but in middle and at ending was good...i give 5.5/10 for tis movie :)



I always like 19th...maybe bcoz my bday falls on 19ths...hehehe. tis reminded me...supposed my bday last month should be a happy day but somehow i'm not....y? mayb bcoz someone "special that time" promised that i can do or go anywhere with him....but a month or so before my bday.....oh well,itz all over btwn us. Tot we can be BFF (someone tot me ystd....thanks Ben) BFF=Best Fren Forever but somehow i feel he doesn't even or really care for me as a fren...guess human being just too complicated to understand and not bcoz of gender. But i was blessed to have many frens who been with me thru bad and good my twin in UK, Conique,tho she was really far away she took her time to advise me when i needed one...san,she will and was with me thru my hard times....lynn,been my drinking and listener buddy....Wil,Mandy,boy and stel...they been with me since TDM sum up, u all been my great frens...i love u all so muchy :)

Well tho he dun care for me that much but i still and will always care for him in my heart....even he doesnt know or notice.


Bounty Hunter 2010

Tho i went out and came back late last nite.....well,still able to wake up early and go for my gym class as usual in the morning. went two at 10am and the other one at 12.30pm. then had lunch in Zen. very full indeed....had caesar saled, mushroom soup, carbonara, dessert....yup just two eating :p. anyways, after that we headed to starbucks as met a fren before we headed to the cinema. we bought 4.10pm... movie wasnt that great. storyline little bit misleading and confusing..well, buy dvd to watch..not worth watching in cinema. im looking forward to "back up plan" and "grown up". both comedian movies....crossing my fingers both good movies lor!
anyways, here the synopsis :

"Milo Boyd( Gerard Butler), a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, gets his dream job when he is assigned to track down his bail-jumping ex-wife, reporter Nicole Hurly (Jennifer Aniston). He thinks all that's ahead is an easy payday, but when Nicole gives him the slip so she can chase a lead on a murder cover-up, Milo realizes that nothing ever goes simply with him and Nicole. The exes continually one-up each other - until they find themselves on the run for their lives. They thought their promise to love, honor and obey was tough - staying alive is going to be a whole lot tougher"

I give 4.5/10...another disappointment on Gerard Butler's movie. haiz best still "ugly truth"!!


葉問2:宗師傳奇-IP Man 2

Yes...4 of us went watched,vince,pat and san. watched 7.10pm. had wasabi fries for dinner. sneaked into our handbags...yummy! anyways,here the synopsis :

"2010 semi-biographical martial arts film based on the life of Ip Man, a grandmaster of Wing Chun martial arts. A sequel to the 2008 film Ip Man, the film was directed by Wilson Yip, and stars Donnie Yen, who reprises the leading role. Continuing after the events of the earlier film, the sequel centers on Ip's movements in Hong Kong, which is under British colonial rule. He attempts to propagate his discipline of Wing Chun, but faces rivalry from other practitioners, including the local master of Hung Ga martial arts."

Good movie.....never watch part 1 but who cares. i give 8/10 for the martial art!! way to go... :)


Ice Kacang Puppy Love 2010

Yea decided watched Ice KacanG Puppy Love.....tis my 2nd Mandarin movie in theatre. Ice Kacang Puppy Love is straightforward and conventional, but an enjoyable and entertaining story that mix with little bit of drama and comedy.

Review on the movie :
"The movie is set in the early nineties in a small town of Ipoh, Malaysia. Written and directed by singer Tan Kheng-Seong or better known as Ah Niu, the movie shares many similar love-at-first-sight and puppy love stories from our early childhood that never fails to put a smile on that face. You couldn’t help but to play along with the cast on a swirling emotional journey."

Oh well, is a nice movie....i give 7/10. Way to go Ahniu!


Saw my twin sister ystd nite....was happy to see her after 2 yrs plus not seeing her. we went chill out....wah,got air cond liao. but we sat outside.....more happening. we started ordering and talking from 7pm till 1+am. we were the last customers there. even the boss came over to talk to us. we left there bout 1.45am.. walked to the car. lil bit scary come to think of it...but we were too high liao. started with kilkenny then guiness then 3 glasses of free orange juice only hahahaha. then last we ordered gin tonic.....when boss came over, he ordered heineken on the house....:) wah, ystd nite was just special....talked and drank too much...but i loved it. get to talk without caring if she thinks im weird or is safe to share....oh well she my very very best friend. one nite just not enough share our 2 yrs plus on wht we went thru. but i updated her most of the important part of my life....:) thanks Con being a great friend....tho maybe you will leave msia again or who knows maybe i might decide to apply visa and go over there to work since here i have no one special in my life. hmmmm.....maybe i should.


dad and mum told me this morning my bro finally getting married...but next yr la. they seem very happy....was telling me they need set a date and planning who to will be held in Kota Kinabalu. yup, whole family need to fly there for the wedding. and i already plan to take extra days off and climb the mountain...which i tot can climb before my 30th bday but couldn't...wht the hell next yr also can mah...hahaha. hohoho...actually im feeling the pressure on me liao. my closest cousin, Johanna be getting married in Nov 2010 and bro next yr....but i know my parents won't mind when i be getting married but only relatives will start asking...last time i can just tell them, wait for my bro get married first la....haha. guess i can't use the excuse anymore...DAMN! thank my lucky star i have an open minded parents....hehehe. really they r the best parents in the world..tho sometimes they get into my nerves but they r parents mah....someone tot me that :p. whtever it is....i still love them dearly.....


Date Night....

Yup forgot to mention i watched tis movie on 10.04.10 in Sunway.....bought the 3pm slot for two. was a good movie...funny! if u are bored on a sat afternoon, buy tis dvd since is not showing anymore in the cinema....anyways, here the synopsis :

"Phil and Claire Foster are a couple who have been married for several years. Their days consists of them taking care of their children and going to work and coming home and going to bed. But they find time to have a date night wherein they go out and spend some time together. When another couple they know announce that they're separating because they're in a rut, Phil feels that he and Claire could be too. So when date night comes Phil decides to do something different. So they go into the city and try to get into a new popular restaurant. But when it's full and still wanting to do this, Phil decides to take the reservation of a couple who doesn't show up. While they're having dinner two men approach them and instructs them to stand up and go with them. They think the men are with the restaurant and want to talk to them about taking someone else's reservation. But it appears the couple whose reservation they took crossed someone and the two men work for this person. The men are after something, but whatever it is they don't have it."

i rate 6/10 for Tina Frey and of course mostly bcoz of Steve Carell...he is a good comedian :)