

Xmas eve damn fast man! One yr has passed........tis yr good? well, there is ups and downs.....guess tat part of parcel in life. but i did travel alot tis yr.....been to macau, hong kong twice, bali, krabi, kuantan, penang, etc. i'm so grateful to have a travel partner which we shared alot good memories in our trip....thanks san! plus i'm oso grateful to have a besty which i can share anything with him....definately wont make him paiseh. how i knw, i asked him directly lor....i hope he knws he can share anything with me.....hehehe. see u always complaint i dun write about u in my im writing. Ystd, he did pissed me off.....which i did apologised later on thru sms. Itz part of my fault i started saying bout his beloved "gf".....but he oso added la "salt and vinegar".....hahaha.....i dun wan small matters turn into big one. so apologizing is the best solution. Ok la...back to work.....which haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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