


Yes some of us went for k-ok.....hehehe. Pre-bday for director and myself...:p hahahahaha. We went there bout 7+pm.....11 of us all together. Bcoz of that nite, came up a story line by me.... Anyone watch Lipstick Jungle series? Astro showing 2nd season rite now....8tv if not mistaken only 1st season. The real story bout 3 gals best friends who in love with different guys.....but to me right now, it is bout 3 guys best buddies chasing after a gal name Jane......hahahahaha. The story begins....Once a upon time, a baby girl was born and her name is Jane. As she grows up, she became prettier and prettier......well definately a lot of "lalat" flying and sticking around her la...:) Then she came to know Peter C, Tarzan C and Hunter T thru a neutral fren......four of them became frens instantly :p. well the story to be continue ya.....SABAR or TBA (Toon boleh advice??)!

Group, director why u sitting there? stone liao ah? is better.....director awake !!

two best singers of that nite (ladies in black).......

Director veli happy....maybe he got a new nic.....ehem!!!

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