


Yes some of us went for k-ok.....hehehe. Pre-bday for director and myself...:p hahahahaha. We went there bout 7+pm.....11 of us all together. Bcoz of that nite, came up a story line by me.... Anyone watch Lipstick Jungle series? Astro showing 2nd season rite now....8tv if not mistaken only 1st season. The real story bout 3 gals best friends who in love with different guys.....but to me right now, it is bout 3 guys best buddies chasing after a gal name Jane......hahahahaha. The story begins....Once a upon time, a baby girl was born and her name is Jane. As she grows up, she became prettier and prettier......well definately a lot of "lalat" flying and sticking around her la...:) Then she came to know Peter C, Tarzan C and Hunter T thru a neutral fren......four of them became frens instantly :p. well the story to be continue ya.....SABAR or TBA (Toon boleh advice??)!

Group, director why u sitting there? stone liao ah? is better.....director awake !!

two best singers of that nite (ladies in black).......

Director veli happy....maybe he got a new nic.....ehem!!!


LIGHTS OFF PLSSSS........28.03.09

On 28.03.09, plsssss remember to off your house lights from 8.30 - 9.30pm to support 60 Earth that we understand how we can make small changes to affect a big difference on climate. That’s why as only ‘one person’ myself, I’m to encourage as many other people to switch off their lights for one hour this March 28th from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.”




We as women today must stand strong, believe in ourselves and definately love ourselves more....which we must practise all the time!

I read this article in Star newspaper and there is one paragraph i think is very meaningful which i love to share with goes:
'Life is never without itz challenges. It is up to us make the best of what we have. If we fail or face pain and disappointment, itz all right to cry, weep, rant and rave. But always have the courage to pick ourselves up again and carry on with our head high. Faith will shoulder us thru the worst.'




Sometimes i wonder why people so sensitive.......i don't go out or hang out with him / her, he or she thinks im avoiding them.....haiz! Very sad here. Kononnya im his/her special friend. Thinking bout it makes me wanna cry.....:(
Still not feeling so well here but my colleague Joyce, she on mc today so i came to work. Not so nice if my division no sales admin......but oso thank god, my fever subside if not i looked horrible today...hahaha.