


We (Con,William Loo and gf,William Chok,KY,PY,Moon,CP Lee,Stan and Beatrice,Senn and me) went to Zen in Pyramid for dinner.Celebrated KY and William Loo's bday this month.Conique was the organizer this time.Ordered tempura sushi set and the waiter heard as tempura set that comes with rice.Told him wrong order.So,he changed for con and i.Food tasted good and also pricey....hehe.We had lemon cheese cake for desert...not bad!!
When the bill came,Mr Lee CP paid first.Then,Con and i realized that our food wasnt counted in the bill.....we were so lucky to eat free food....haha.guess itz our day!!

Helped May Law to "jaga" store in s.parade for half day in the afternoon.She had Amway dinner that night.So,she need to go back early to dress and make up......Business no good that day.Only managed to sell few thnigs...:(

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