Yup.....watched twice in cinema...once in Pyramid and last sunday watched in 1U. the movie was hilarious and good. acted by Adam Sandler (luv him in "Mr Deeds"),Kevin James (luv him in "The King of Queens"),Chris Rock (almost all his movies),David Spade (luv him in "Rules of engagement") and Rob Schneider (luv him in "The hot chicks") & Salma Hayek (luv her in "Desparado").
The comedy begins in 1978 which 5 good friends won their only junior high basketball champioship and during the celebration of their winning, their coach asked them to live their lives in a similar way to how they played the game. after 30 yrs later, they were reunited to honor the passing of their beloved coach. with their families (wifey and kids) they spend holiday wkend at the lake house where they celebrated their championship when they were kids.during the wkend (which they had fun spending time together and picking up whr they left out), they found out that growing older doesn't mean you're grown up....really good and funny. worth watching......from scale of 10, i give 8.5 :)