


Life is so a bad news ystd night that my auntie (my dad's elder sis) passed away peacefully in australia.....well,she had breast cancer and the cancer actually spread to her brain....:( My condolences to my cousin Mandy and Uncle in Australia......
Haiz.....nothing good is happening around me lately.Maybe i should change my fong sui like leaving malaysia for good.......Hmm,maybe i should and go for voluntary work in another country like Africa.......


SoULeD OuT-jEn's BdAy

Itz Jen's bday....we went to Souled Out that fun.First time tried Irish beer Kilkenny....delicious...hehe

Beautiful gals and i.........

mY gOod friends and i ................
*special dedications to my good friends:
jen-u have been a wonderful and sweet friend and will always be in my heart.......
con-u will always be my other twin sis!
mandy-u always give good advice and a cheerful friend......
wil-my dearest chimui......u have been a helpful and playful friend....and we luv u for that.
we shared alot of ups and downs.....thanks alot for being my good friends & always be there when i needed a friend......luv all of u!!!


Meng Meng Pio Ker's Farewell

31.07.07-A very sad day for all of us.....Pang's last day in TDM...:(
We had dinner in Station 1 in SS15.....but to me is still call 1 Station.....haha.

proudly showing off his middle fingers............

mr "pro si"

why la headache ah pio ker??