

Teluk Gong and The Curve!

Sat:I was working.After work,my frens and i (Beatrice,Stanlety,Yvonne,Peggy,William,Chan,Steven,Cynthia) went to teluk gong for lunch.Though itz a bit far but worth to drive there for seafood.Food tasted above average but very cheap....affordable.We had 9 2kilo of crabs,salad prawns,veggie and more. Food cost slighly,huh?
Came back home slightly 4.15pm.Rested for awhile and phone rang....JoanneW called.She asked if i want to go shopping with her.I agreed!
So,she came picked me up around 5.30pm.We decided to go "The Curve".Reached there and heavy rain started to pour.Went a few shops and got myself a skirt in Nichi.She got a suit (Jacket + Pants) from G2000 and skirt from Nichi.Then,i was tired and we decided to have dinner in "Heaven"....something like "Halo Cafe".Food sucks!We ordered a plate of mushrooms chic chop....luckily we shared if not sure waste food......
After the band decided to rest for 40mins,we decided to go home.Its was pouring heavily outside....reached home around 11pm +.Really tired!


Genting Trip 2006

Chilling out in Coffee Bean.....freezing!

The pro aka jimmy white playing pool in genting

My friends and i(Yvonne,Peggy,Moon,William,Steven) were in genting for 2D1N.Stayed in First World Hotel.We were at the peak around 11 am.Managed to check godness,alot of ppl.U can imagine how much money Uncle Lim makes every single day.We went to our rooms and rested few mins.Then,we decided to take a walk.We got hungry and decided to have burger kings but most of the burgers out of stocks.So,we went to pizza hut.After lunch,we decided to go CASINO.My my...all uncles and aunties.We split and played.Lost RM10 to a lousy slot machine....:(
After few hours,we decided to have a drink in coffee bean while waiting for senn to join us.
Since William won a few couple of hundreds,he spent us.Had blackforest ice blended.....we sat,crazy cold outside and misty.....we met senn outside coffee bean!He came with parents to watch connie francis.After chatting and steven cant stand the cold,we decided to head inside.
We went back to hotel and rested.After shower,we headed for our magic show....something called mysteria "believe the impossible".Show not too bad.
After the show,we went to star bucks to buy steven a slice of bday cake since his bday this month.....he didnt know as usual.We head back to peggy's room.Steven went to shower.Then,he came in and got a shocked of his life....hehe
Happy Bday Steven!
2nd day-Moon and i woke up around 9 something.Showered and waited for the guys to come back from indoor theme park.Cant wait so we headed to casino.....moon lost!we were there almost 1 hr plus.Then,we were called back to check out.Had buffet lunch in genting quite good.After lunch,we took skyway back to our cars.


Bea&CP Lee Bday and Wesak Day

The Ice Cream cake from Haagen Dazs!

The "spotlight" of the night......Baby Joshua!

Bea already blown her candle,now itz Mr Lee's turn.....

Mr Lee opening his bday gift.....he doesnt know itz 6 pairs of socks!

We were in Actually Thai restaurant in Pyramid to celebrate Lee Chak Pun and Beatrice's Bday.Well,werent their actual day.....Beatrice's bday falls on 12th May while Chak Pun's bday falls on 15th May.13 of us turn up that nite.....Bea,Chak Pun,Jenn,Kar-Yee,Peggy,William Chok,Stanley,Conique,Senn,Moon,Elaine and Husband and Baby Joshua,dun forget myself...hehe.Food not bad.Had Tom Yam mee hoon and crispy catfish with mango salad.....shared with Conique.After eating main dishes,we had ice cream cake.
Dinner ended around 10pm +.Straight after that,we went to Starbucks for a drink.....had Banana Mocha.....not bad!!Everyone were we ended the gathering around 11pm +

Joanne Wong and I went to KLCC.Basically she wants to get working clothing in Isetan......We were there around 1pm.Had lunch in Burger King.......salmon burger,nice!Then,we went to isetan straight after lunch.Bought two working stripe shirts......juz love stripes shirt.Joanne Wong,she wants to get men working shirts for a friend.....we went up to the men dept.Saw a few really nice stripe shirts and somehow it remind me of a friend......he juz looked good in it.....hopefully u reading this ya.....hehe.She actually bought plain working G2000 shirt.....50% off.
We were there nearly 4 decided to leave and have dinner.While driving both of us decided to eat "Bak Kut Teh" in SS14 subang.Went home at 7pm and juz in time to watch my chinese series.......
There gos my wesak day holiday........nah,dun go temple and pray....not a religious thinker.


Poor thing......sob!

On 1st May 2006.....dyed my hair!Think my hair now juz frizzy,dry and multi color of browns......everytime dye my hair itz either bronze,brown or brownish reddish.......u can imagine that huh.....hehe.

Today, 06/05/06....worked today.So many problems in the office.....everyone juz tense up in my dept.I feel like quitting soon.But cant just leave like that,need to find a suitable job first or im still searching.If not my whole family eat "air"........Life sucks sometimes huh......sometimes itz not too sure.I wish tat I can juz disappear from this earth.....ok ok,itz a bit ridiculous.Just have to bear with it till something good comes up........crossing my fingers now.......:)

More Photos on My Bday

Above are few photos taken in William's Apt on 15th April..........